Logger Script 18th CIA Special English Camp - S8022 신지윤 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Special English Camp - S8022 신지윤

작성자: T-jun님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,459회    댓글: 0





           I join to this camp because my older brother joined here before. At that time. I want to go too. I want to go to another country. and I want to study English more. So I came here with my friend. because if I go alone. I’m afraid or feel strange. and this is my first time to travel alone. Before the camp starts. my feeling was very excited and good. So. I woke up early and my mind is in good condition. But when I arrived here in the Philippines. my feeling was not good and everything is very strange. So I felt little bit scary. I missed my Mom. and I thought time is very slow. but now it is ok and it’s fun.


           Time is very fast. So. I felt that I am improving in this camp. because now I’m friendly to my teachers and my roommates. Now. I’m very happy but sometimes my feeling is very sad because I want to see my Mom. Sometimes I cried but teachers and roommates comfort me. for example: When I played with my friends or with my teachers. So. when I played them. I forgot my worries and the important reason is that I can send letter to my parents. So. I always enjoy my life.


           I like Saturdays and Sundays because I have many time to take a rest. So. I think I will join the camp again but I don’t know yet if my Mom will let me join again. I want to have more good and interesting life experiences. I think the last day here in CIA Camp is very interesting day. First time. I can speak English very well also I can speak to another Filipino people. So I want to improve my skills in English in this camp. Maybe this camp is very useful for me because my parents said if you don’t know how to speak English. we can’t talk another person. Nowadays. in Korea. we also had an English exam. So. my Mom said you should study English. So. I think English is very useful and I should have to study English. So. I will join CIA camp again.


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