Logger Script 18th CIA Special English Camp - S8019 한현빈 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Special English Camp - S8019 한현빈

작성자: T-jun님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,442회    댓글: 0



           Today I will introduce about my post script. First I will write about how did I came here in Cebu. It is my mother who ask me. Do you want to go to another country without me? And I answered my mother yes I want to go to another country. And my mother has a deal that is not fightning with my brother and I also have to study hard and wait for my flight to go to the Philippines and at last I get to an airplane. At first I’m very excited and I slept in the airplane. listen to music and ate my dinner. But dinner taste is not good. When I arrived in the Philippines it was very hot then I went to the airport and I rode a bus. and that time it was very funny. then I went into my room after listening to Sir Cyrus and sleep. Then Monday. I study but on the first day I had class. my mind change I hate Philippines because I failed in the vocabulary test. I have to go to special classes I don’t like to get very low scores. First I try my best. after that I’m already good in our vocabulary class. Camp is very funny now and then almost finish with my book. I finished my reading starter 2 and I finished my first English discussion but I don’t want to finish More Step by Step Listening and MY Next Grammar book but I can finish all my book. My favorite time is sport class because it is very funny. I can do many sports like swimming. playing ping-pong and watching movie and I only have short time to go back to Korea 


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