Logger Script 18th CIA Special English Camp - S8017 신지민 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Special English Camp - S8017 신지민

작성자: T-jun님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,620회    댓글: 0


                  I came to CIA because my mom said I have to go to this camp. I don’t like English because it is very hard. I came here at the CIA camp at 2 am dawn. It was my first time to come here in CIA. I rode an airplane when I came here so I was very tired. On the next day. we do the level test. It is an easy test. but I do it slowly. In my room. Andy. Eric. Daniel and I are roommates. They are also my classmates in voca class. In the next day. my level was changed. and my group is B2 and it is in the high level so I was happy. On the 1st week. 2nd week. 3rd week and 4th week. I started to study English and it is very difficult but in sports class is very fun and it seems like it is my free time. During the first weekend we went to the edge coaster and we also went to the Plantation Bay. We rode zip line and rode a banana boat. We went to SM mall and Gaisano mall. We also went to teacher’s house.

                  I think CIA is a very good camp because during our group class my grammar is improving and better than before. During Sunday. we do book checking and on the 1st book checking it is a very difficult one. But only math is the most difficult thing. It is the first time my mom told me to join in the CIA English camp and also my dad told me. Listening. reading. sports. vocabulary. grammar and speaking are sometimes difficult. We watch movie too in CIA. I learned many things even though they are difficult except sports class. I came here in CIA because I want to study English because it very important language. If I can speak. I can talk to the whole world.

                  And when I came here my first friend is George. He is nice friend and I like him. I want to come here one more time because this camp is very nice.


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