Logger Script 18th CIA Special English Camp - S8009 한동현 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Special English Camp - S8009 한동현

작성자: T-jun님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,638회    댓글: 0





          Hello my name is Mike. I join CIA Camp because my parents say like “Do you want to join the English Camp?”. I think this is nice. So I join CIA Camp.

I came here in CIA Camp on December 10th. I ride airplane in Inchon Airport. I arrived here and I say my self-introduction. That time I’m very nervous. and in the first class this time is very nervous too.

My first friends are Charles and Daniel. First I see and I think Charles is in 6th grade. and I think that Daniel is in 4th grade. But they are all in 5th grade.

In weekend. we have activities like edge coaster. zip line. SM Mall mission and shopping. home visit. sea sports. crocodile farm and Plantation Bay. My favorite activity is sea sports. because Jet Ski and Banana boat are fun and exciting for me. So I want to ride again.

My best experience is the special class because when I go to a special class the Korean staff will punish me and my roommates. That time. I’m very tired.

I learned here the four macro skills in English like reading. grammar. listening. writing and speaking. I think I can speak more than before. Almost all the people say English is important. I think in the world almost all people uses English in communication. That’s why I learned English.

The CIA 18th Camp is almost done. Next time 19th Camp I want to join one more time. I think here is good and the activities here are very nice. So I want to join here one more time.



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