Logger Script 18th CIA Special English Camp - S8007 조재현 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Special English Camp - S8007 조재현

작성자: T-jun님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,783회    댓글: 0



I arrived here in the Philippines on December 10.2011. Im studying English

because im not good in speaking English. I came here to study English. It’s a free day during every Saturday because we are going to go shopping in the mall and we are going to play sports and if we don’t have book checking we will have a free time. My friends in CIA are Kevin. George. David and lastly is Jonson. My bestfriend is David because he is my mom’s friend son and my older brother’s schoolmate. He is a very kind boy. Teacher tells weekend activities we are going to go to the SM MALL. And then becareful not to go outside this one. Next we went to jetski with teachers by banana boat we go very fast is turn all teachers in the water and then swimming and go to the banana boat. And I have many things which I learned I CIA. I don’t know why but I have a I know sentence its very many. I don’t like English camp again. I will not coming back again because it is very hard and we don’t have lots of money here. And also  here we have special class here at CIA. Here at CIA they have book checking and there is also Sparta class that is why it is very hard and very very tiring. Because I want 10 hours of sleep.

                     Here in CIA is very hard. That is why I really want to see my mother and I want my mother to make a food for me and I want to eat that. I want to go back to KOREA. English is good because it is your preparations when I will become an adult then I will be working on different countries. People will come and talk to me then I can speak English and I can understand well then I learned now many things that is now I am already good at English so joining CIA camp is really a big help for me


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