Logger Script 6009김찬영Chris > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
  • 커뮤니티

  • 알면 알수록 믿음이 커지는 (주)CIA열린교육 영어교육사업부입니다.



작성자: rhoy님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,375회    댓글: 0



CIA 이유는 영어공부를  하기 위해서 왔습니다.

캠프를 소개해주신 선생님은 Dream선생님 입니다.

여기는 크고    밥도 맛있습니다.

그리고 한국 선생님은 무섭습니다.

필리핀선생님은      친절

The reason that I join this Camp is to speak English vey well. My mother was the one who introduced me to this camp. Their food is very delicious. I also tried Filipino foods. Like “lechon manok and baboy”. It is grilled chicken and pork but I different style of cooking. I like our home visit activity. I talked to some Filipinos and ask their traditions. I can’t forget our school visit. I introduced myself to Filipino students. I saw the face of their school. It was very hot but I really enjoyed the activity with them. It is vey exciting. Korean teachers are very scary. Filipino teachers are very kind. My sport class is swimming. I really enjoyed my classes her. Saturday’s activity is very fun. I loved shopping in SM mall in Cebu. I have many friends here in this camp. We had fun. We played basketball. badminton. scrabble and table tennis. One of them is Johnny. Johnny is very understanding and enjoyable to be with.  I learned how to speak English in this camp. And I also know how to make English sentences and improved my listening skills.  I think my English skills have improved.


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