Logger Script 18th CIA Special English Camp - S8015 김남혁 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Special English Camp - S8015 김남혁

작성자: T-jun님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,596회    댓글: 0




           Hello everyone. I will write something about CIA Camp in my post script. First. I like to study English. My mom said “You like to study English? You have to go to Philippines in CIA Camp”. So. I came here in Philippines to study English but this is very tiring because I should wake up seven o’ clock. But. my English speaking skills are good. CIA schedule is very fun. I’ll explain about CIA. CIA is very fun in English and this good for me. CIA Camp’s foods taste good and yummy. Saturday’s activity is very fun. I went to the Edge Coaster. Zip line. Plantation Bay. Ocean sports. Crocodile farm. SM Mall and Gaisano Mall. My best friends are Ji Min. Hyun Been. Woo Been. Lee Kang and Chae Young because they are very funny. kind and good. My bad memory is Voca class and special class. I don’t want to go special class but my friends go to special class. So. I was so sad. I didn’t fail in my Voca test because I always study my voca. So. I didn’t’ fail my voca test but my friends failed. I was so sad. My Filipino man-to-man teachers are Teacher Mary and Teacher Norlissa. They are very kind and they teach me how to speak English very well. My Filipino group class teachers are Teacher Dandie and Teacher Genevieve. Korean staffs are very kind too especially Teacher Cyrus. He is very kind and funny because he has many fun things to share with us. Math class is fun because Korean staff teaches very well and they are very kind that is why my speaking skill is improving. Math is good and I want to stay in this camp again and I want to stay in this hotel. It is a good hotel in Philippines to study English here in CIA Camp. After I write my post script. I felt that my English skills are improving more every week.


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