Logger Script 18th CIA Special English Camp - S8013 조민정 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Special English Camp - S8013 조민정

작성자: T-jun님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,900회    댓글: 0



           I’m 8 weeks student. Jay. I came here in Philippines to improve my English skills. I arrived here Crown Regency Hotel. December 11. 2012. 1 o’clock at dawn. First day was too tired. because I had only few times to sleep. And next day. all of CIA students had their level test. which determine student’s level. Luckily. I was chosen to A1 student. Our group classmate was same as our roommates. Signy and Adelle. Especially. I was very surprised to Adelle. because she was only 10 years old! I was very happy in first day. My first friend was Jiyeon. She was my best friend in Korea. We met at the kindergarten when were just a little child and we’ve known each other for a long time. I was recommended by my parents. I’ve been here I CIA camp before. So. my parents really rely on to this camp. I went many activities during this camp. Most impressive activity was home visit. I went home visit to teacher Nina’s house. I hope I can visit teacher Mary’s house and teacher Jeremia’s house too. But. we were separated with each other. First. I rest while watching Korean Channel by television. and next we played Filipino games. I tried before all of that games. so it was little boring. Also. I played with teacher Nina’s cousin named Chrys Paul. He was only 2 years old. but good at singing “Alphabet song”. I think he is very intelligent. Lastly. we eat together our dinner. I ate fried chicken. pork. spaghetti. and rice. I ate much spaghetti as many as I can. It was so delicious every time I ate spaghetti in Philippines. I always recognized that Philippine spaghetti is my most favorite spaghetti in the world! For dessert we had mango float. It was a unique food for me.

           My best experience in this camp was making new friends and with my teachers. I had 3 teachers that I like. teacher Mary. teacher Jeremia. and teacher Derlyn. These 3 teachers have same feeling with me. They are very kind also. They know how to understand other people. My best friend in CIA except Jiyeon is Jenney. She is same age with me. Our interesting things are matching our likes. I learned many things during CIA camp. I learned English skills and also skills that can communicate with foreigner. I study English to achieve my dream. My dream is to become a diplomat. Diplomat is a person who goes to another country and conveys his/her countries traditional culture and makes relationship. I have to communicate with international language English. Therefore. I’m trying hard to learn more English. I think learning English is very essential to all people. For example. if I am a tourist guide and there’s a foreigner I have to communicate by using various method. Like this. if I don’t learn English. it is same as I am not connected with the people in the world. Sometimes. I think seriously that I can’t participate CIA camp again because this coming March. I am finish with my elementary school years and I am already a middle school student. In middle school period. I have to concentrate more too all my subjects especially math. Math is getting harder and harder. I have to maintain my math skills. Sadly. I might have no more chance to participate in CIA camp again. I am really satisfied with this 18th 8 weeks CIA camp. I’m very thankful for CIA camp. to make my English more improved.


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