Logger Script 18th CIA Special English Camp - S8011 김예빈 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Special English Camp - S8011 김예빈

작성자: T-jun님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,801회    댓글: 0


          Today. I will write about “After Camp”. It is all about my experiences here in CIA English camp. In Korea. I usually get up at 7:50 am and sleep at 12:00 mn. In the camp. I usually get up at 6:30 am and sleep at 10:00 pm. One day. my mother told me about joining CIA English camp. and I sad “yes mom. obecause I want to improve my English”. I arrived here in the Philippines last December 10 in the morning. On my first day in CIA. we took level test and went to villa. I cleaned my cabinet and placed my clothes there. On that day. I feel nervous because I was all alone and I have no mother or father to help me.

          My first friends here in CIA are Stephanie and Judi. They were my roommates but Judi transferred in the Hotel. In CIA. we have activities during weekends. like we went to Plantation Bay and rode a canoe and went swimming. Next. we went to Tambuli and we rode Jet Ski and banana boat. I caught crabs; I also went to the Crown Regency Hotel and tried edge coaster and zip line. It was fun and exciting. We went in Crocolandia too; we saw crocodiles. birds and snakes. It is a nice experience. When we go there we saw how the crocodile was fed by their caretakers. They feed the crocodiles with chickens. And we also had our city tour. We went to Taoist Temple. Fort San Pedro and Magella’s Cross. After that we went to SM to eat and do shopping. Shopping is fun and exciting. Shopping mall in the Philippines and in Korea is different. For me. the best experience I had in CIA were the edge coaster. banana boat. Jet Ski. zip line and catching crabs because it is adventurous and I had fun. In CIA I learn to improve myself confidence. I improve my skills in English. and in vocabulary. That is why I studied English and went here in the Philippines because I know English is important wherever I go.


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