Logger Script 18th CIA Special English Camp - S8005 이강 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Special English Camp - S8005 이강

작성자: T-jun님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,695회    댓글: 0



The reason why I came here is because of my parents. They said ‘’ you need to go to the CIA English Camp”. they already made the plan one month ago. I arrived in the Philippines last December 10. 2011. I am not worried coming here. and at last I got here in the Philippines. I didn’t say goodbye to my parents because sooner or later I will be going back. In my first day at CIA. I met new friends namely; Tony. Johnson. David. and Rex. I talk to them and it was fun. In the first week of CIA it was very difficult. because I miss my family but in the second week I already adapted the place and the things we usually do. I met another set of friends like Brian. Eric. Andy. Daniel and Kevin. They’re very nice friends because they’re so kind at me and sometimes they’re cute.


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