Logger Script 18th CIA Special English Camp - S8003 박성민 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Special English Camp - S8003 박성민

작성자: T-jun님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,664회    댓글: 0




           I arrived here in the Philippines last December 10. 2011. I study English because it is very hard. I felt nervous when I arrived in the Philippines. My first friends in C.I.A were Tom and Rex. I came here because my mom told me.

           My favorite activity was when went to SM because I like shopping. In Plantation bay I was very happy because we ate delicious foods. During home visit. it was fun and great experienced because we played many games. Crocolandia was not fun for me because crocodiles are scary. During school visit. I felt hot but the children are kind. We had a farewell party for the 4 week students. I am very sad and I cry.  I sang during farewell party.

           In C.I.A camp. I learned how to spell the word. I study English because I want to be good at English. I want to enroll again in C.I.A camp again because it will help me to improve myself. When I came here I really don’t know how to express myself using English words but now I become better.


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