Logger Script 18th CIA Special English Camp - S8001 구미경 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Special English Camp - S8001 구미경

작성자: T-jun님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,752회    댓글: 0


Camp Post Script


           On January 15th. when I first wrote my camp post script. I was very surprised because we came here in Cebu Philippines last December 11th. So it means I was at Philippines over 1 month. I was very scared last December 11th . When I saw sir Cyrus first. he looked very scary. Also many students looked bad. I regretted myself because my parents said. “ Do you want to go to CIA Camp? We want you to go because maybe next year you will be a  middle school student. Almost half ‘threat’. half ‘want’. I need to go to CIA Camp. When the time comes when we have to sleep. I heard so much noise that my roommates created I was so scared and nervous. But when I was at this CIA Camp’  found out that all people at CIA Camp are good. Sir Cyrus looked very scary and get easily erritated. Also his loud voice made me think ‘ He is scary!’ But he is funny and kind to all special junior student! He just became scary and get easily get angry when we do mistake. Also all Filipino teachers are kind when I first saw teacher Jeremia she looked very arrogant. but when I played with her many times. I found out that she wasn’t arrogant. I found out that she is funny. Also my roommates are very funny. They make other people laugh very much! Especially Christine. Jenney and Nichole are very funny and kind. Sometimes. Nichole can’t understand what is happening. She just laugh or make people laugh all the time because of that. Nichole’s characteristics sometimes it turns to be a problem. but usually she makes me always laugh all the time! Christine is Nichole’s little sister. She is very intelligent! Even she is E group! I like her because her characteristic is similar as my characteristic. That’s why I like her very much. I think Christine is another me. She really have similar characteristic with me! Jenny has a characteristic for being very active! Also she is powerful too. If there’s unfair thing happened she went there and made it fair. Also she makes that problem finished. She looks like a hero because of her characteristics. they were my first friends in CIA. Also they are my best friends. At weekend. I went to edge coaster. zip line. Plantation bay. Tambuli. crocolandia. Magellan’s cross. Taoist temple and Fort San Pedro everytime when we had weekend activities.

           I was so excited. All weekend activities were fun and exciting! My best experience in CIA English camp was home visit. I went to Teacher Nina’s house. Her house was very big. I ate spaghetti. chicken and we drank Nestea. We also ate Mango float for dessert. It was very delicious. In CIA. I learned a lot of things like vocabulary and grammar. In vocabulary. there were many words that I didn’t know. So. always tried to remember what Teacher Cane discussed about vocabulary words. I always tried to memorize all perfect. There were many days that I didn’t get perfect score in vocabulary class. but I made myself not get fail in voca class. Also in grammar class. there are many things that I always confused. Some was easy like where did I use some or any. when did I have to use s or es. and when did  I  have to use ed and ied. But for me. changing verb to noun and changing noun to verb were very hard. Even I knew some words. but I didn’t know how to make verb to noun and change noun to verb. They were very hard for me. When I became middle school student. I want to join CIA Camp again because I had a wonderful memories in CIA English Camp. School visit. Home visit. Name card making. room poster. jet ski. and other things were every wonderful and beautiful to me. Memories that I will never forget until I go back to Korea. Now. I know why Jinny 4th week student came to CIA English Camp 4 times. If there is a chance for me to come back to CIA English Camp. I will try my best so I can come here again and meet Filipino Teacher’s. Sir Cyrus. and other people again. Really this CIA English Camp is my best experienced ever in my life.


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