Logger Script 18th CIA Special English Camp - S4027 전현수 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Special English Camp - S4027 전현수

작성자: T-jun님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,912회    댓글: 0




           At first. when my parents told me that I will come here in the Philippines to study English. I am so worried and nervous because this is my first time to come here. But I am also happy because I know I will meet new friends. I arrived here at CIA camp last December 26. 2011. When I joined the first class. I was very tired and sleepy. But as the time goes by. I am happy because I met new friends. One of my friends are Jun and Eric. Jun is very silent and Eric is very funny. They are very kind to me. I and my friends always bond together. We talked about many things like for example. Filipino teachers. other friends and about CIA.

           To learn English is very important for me because I believe in myself that English is the key of global success. I have to study English so that I can improve my English skills as well as my communication skills and confidence in speaking English. CIA camp was very fun especially during weekends like Saturday. We had water sports such as riding a banana boat and kayak. We also went to Crocolandia and SM mall. It was so fun. We played mission games.

           Talking about what is the best experience I had in this camp was when I can speak English confidently and never be ashamed at all. And also I learned a lot of things in CIA camp such as home visit. We visited teacher’s house Jovan. It was fun and interesting. I learned how to cook barbecue and spaghetti and also wash the dishes. The most exciting is. I ate the exotic food in the Philippine’s “balot” a 16 years old duck egg. It tasted good and delicious.

           If given the chance to join again CIA camp. I would join again to experience more a lot of things and to enhance my knowledge skills and attitude towards learning English.


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