Logger Script 18th CIA Special English Camp - S4026 하상우 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Special English Camp - S4026 하상우

작성자: T-jun님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,612회    댓글: 0


           I came to CIA because my dad suddenly wanted to challenge me. I couldn’t imagine going to a foreign place alone. I was afraid of being alone. I felt scared because I don’t have any idea on what culture the Filipinos have and I am not with my family to guide me here. I arrived here in the Philippines last December 25. 2011. I introduced myself and then I played with my new friends. Here in CIA. I had a lot of friends and they are friendly to me. They are fun to be with. I’m studying very hard so that when I get back to Korea. I will tell my parents that I have learned so many things especially with my speaking skill. The best experience that I had in CIA English Camp was the activities that we had like banana boat and Jet Ski riding. It was my first time to ride. so I had a lot of fun. In the camp. we have groupings. I belong to E group. A group is the highest and F is the lowest. We also have a lot of activities which will make our body healthy. exercise our logical capabilities. Every night. we also have our roll call for us to be checked if we are complete or not. During weekends we went to SM and Gaisano mall to buy things and foods that we want. We also had our City Tour. It helped us to be familiarized with the different places in Cebu. I find our weekend activity special. Learning English is really fun. I have learned a lot of things. I am studying English because I am planning to travel to other countries someday. When I finish college. I will make my own business. So while I am young I have to study more about English. English is our international language. so everybody must learn how to speak English.


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