Logger Script 18th CIA Special English Camp - S4022 남예원 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Special English Camp - S4022 남예원

작성자: T-jun님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,856회    댓글: 0



           I came in CIA English Camp with my sister Jinny. This is our first time here in the Philippines. First I felt a little nervous because me and my sister don’t know yet to speak English and scared because it’s our first time to go other country with our mother. My first friend here in this camp was Lucy. Stephanie and Jessica. They are all good friends. First I don’t like to come to the CIA camp because I find it hard in studying English. But Filipinos teachers are very kind and they study hard to teach us good. And Korean Staff Mr. Cyrus is very funny and very kind. I like Mr. Cyrus. I like my experience here in the CIA Winter Camp and it is very good. The weekend activity is so good because I experienced to go to the beautiful beaches of Cebu; the Plantation Bay and Tambuli. I enjoyed a lot in the Tambuli’s Jest Ski and Banana Boat experience. We also went to Gaisano and SM Mall. My best experience in this camp is that I can speak. read and understand English. I also learned in this camp on how to pronounce words and write its correct spelling. I learned some Philippine culture because we had out poster making activity in which me and my sister Jinn differentiate Philippine and Korean Culture. I want to join again next eventhough studying English is hard but the activities was good and I enjoyed it a lot. 


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