Logger Script 18th CIA Special English Camp - S4018 김유진 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Special English Camp - S4018 김유진

작성자: T-jun님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,529회    댓글: 0



           I went to this CIA camp because Yuri’s mom called to my mom. Her mom said that Yuri will go to an English Camp. However. she wanted to go with me. So I also joined this CIA Camp. At first. I didn’t want to come here but. nowadays I like this camp because I think that coming here is a good help for me. It was strange because I don’t have my family here. Last Sunday. I took the level test. This week is very easy but very important and I think I had a mistake. I live in room 613. First. me and my roommates live in room 313 but the air condition was busted. so we transferred to 613. Few days ago. new roommates came to our room. so 8 students are in our room. I studied English a lot of time so I think my English skill is improving. Filipino teachers are very kind to me. I know many Filipino teachers and they remembered me too. In this camp. I learned many things. I didn’t learn only English but I also learn on how to value friendship and a lot more. This camp is good and I want to join again in this camp because. though this camp is very hard but I enjoyed it. When I go back to Korea. I will spend my time to my family with the remaining vacation that I have. I get many precious things at the CIA English Camp.


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