Logger Script 18th CIA Special English Camp - S4010 박하민 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Special English Camp - S4010 박하민

작성자: T-jun님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,466회    댓글: 0



           Last November 2011. my mom suggested me to go to CIA camp. At that time. I was really worried about it because if I will go to CIA camp. I can’t see my family and friends. It’s my first time to go to a foreign country. But then. I realized that it’s okay because I can call to my family once a week and I also wanted to go to a foreign country. So I decided to go to CIA camp. When I was in In-Cheon airport. I felt worried and nervous. When I arrived here last Christmas at 2:00 AM. I ate snacks and after that I met my roommates. they were Christina. Amy and Eline. During that time. I was very sleepy. so I didn’t have the chance to talk to them. The next day. I had my first day of class. I was very sleepy yet happy to meet my teachers. My roommates became my friends. I’m very happy to meet them. We talked about our school. friends. family and TV programs.

           In Philippines. I had lots of activities. I went to Gaisano. SM Mall. Crocolandia. Home Visit. Plantation Bay and Tambuli experience. In Gaisano. I bought many goods. In SM mall. I bought two clothes. one juice and two notebooks. In Crocolandia. I saw lots of big crocodiles and I took a picture with snakes. During home visit. I played with children. played Filipino games. ate dinner and watched a movie. In plantation bay. I played lots of games. took a picture. gathered shells and swam with Amy. And in Tambuli experience. I rode banana boat and Jet Ski with Amy and Christina also. It was very fun if I will get another chance. I will ride that again. When I came here. I think my English speaking and vocabulary ability has improved and my social life too because I met a lot of friends and I like them. In here. I have lots of classes. I met lots of Filipino staff that can speak English well. But what I don’t like here is it is very exhausting to study. But you will learn English because it is a global language. In the future. I want to be a veterinarian. so I must know how to speak English because some of my patients are foreigners.

           In CIA Camp. I always feel happy and if given a chance. I want to come back here with my younger sister and friends.


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