Logger Script 18th CIA Special English Camp - S4005 임다희 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Special English Camp - S4005 임다희

작성자: T-jun님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,602회    댓글: 0




           One day. my mother said “You must go to Philippines one more time”. So I came back here. I arrived last December 25. 2011. Last winter. I went to Tubod but this 18th winter camp I’m here in crown regency. When I arrived here. I was very tired yet I was also very excited. I thought this would just be the same when I joined the camp in Tubod. In here. you will study more than in Tubod. so I get really tired. In here. I have six classes. In one class the time is for one hour and twenty minutes. I have two man to man classes and two group classes. one voca class and sports class.

           My favorite classes are man to man classes because it is very funny and good. Then. during Saturdays and Sundays we have our activities. We went to Plantation Bay. Crocolandia. Gaisano and SM. Plantation Bay. Gaisano and SM. Those places were very fun and interesting. but Crocolandia is a little bit boring. I think the reason why I came back here is because of the teachers. aside from learning English. Teachers are very kind to me and they also understand me. I like them and they like me too.

           In here. I met many friends like Mina and Chrisitina. and I am very happy. They shared their secrets to me and we talked about many things. My friends trusted me and I am very happy about that. Studying here in CIA taught me a lot of things. In here. I have learned how to socialize and not to be selfish but to be selfless. Next camp. I will come back here because my teachers and friends will help me to improve my English ability.

I really want to learn English because I want to go abroad in the future. My dream is to be a teacher because I want to teach students to have enough knowledge about English. Everyday. I am really improving my English ability because I already talked to a foreigner. In CIA. I get many precious things and memories. so I am very l thankful in this camp. Also. I am glad to meet my teachers and friends. I am having fun here in the Philippines.


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