Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K66013 LEE BOMIN > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K66013 LEE BOMIN

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-22 11:12:32    조회: 2,732회    댓글: 0


Hi! My name is Lee Bomin and my English name is Bomin. I'm from Korea. I am 13 years old. I have older brother. We have four family members. I arrived in the Philippines last January 5, 2019 on Saturday. When I came here in CIA, I fell very scared and shy because Korean teacher Roy look like scared but he is very kind and it's my first time here in CIA Camp. I join CIA English Camp because I wanted to learn more English and my mother decided to let me join in an English Camp, so they chose this Camp (CIA). My first friends in CIA is my cousin Ha Eun and also my villa mates, Nathalie, Amy and Kelly. I had so many memorable experiences in CIA Camp. We had many activities. I rode the zip line and jet ski. It was really fun and I enjoyed it much that was I will never forget my experiences here in CIA and every Wednesday we have our shopping day. I can buy anything and some snacks. I learned in CIA many things like on how to speak English well, on how to write the diary properly and I learned new vocabulary words. It really helped me to enhance my abilities and to improve my speaking skills, writing skills and reading skills. Sad to say, I don't want to join CIA Camp again because I always miss my family so many times. I missed the foods that my mother made in Korea and I felt tired studying here.



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