Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K66005 SHIM JIHO > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K66005 SHIM JIHO [1]

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-22 10:53:58    조회: 2,990회    댓글: 1


I arrived in the Philippines last January 5, 2019. It was too hot in here. Even if it’s hot, I needed to stay here because I want to study. Philippines is nice because the people here are very welcoming. The people here are very friendly. Since, it was my 3rd camp I am not nervous. I felt so excited to meet my teachers. And talking about the weather, I felt that the Philippines was too hot. In Korea, it is winter now and I’m used to be in a cold place. As time goes by, I feel okay now. I joined CIA CAMP because I want to improve my ability in speaking English. I also want to learn more and study. I know that if I keep on studying I will be good in English not only in speaking but also in grammar. I also joined the CIA CAMP because of my best friend. We came here together that's why I enjoyed staying here. My first friend here in CIA CAMP was my best friend because both of us came here together. My best friend is Kevin so he is my first friend. Next, was my villa mates. I met my villa mates in the airport. I also met Won Jun and he became my friend during my second camp. I have a lot of memorable experiences here in CIA CAMP. First, I don't forget the activities we did here. Second, I don't forget my friends and teachers. This time is very important to me because my parent said that maybe this will be my last time to join CIA CAMP. All the memories here are memorable. There are many things I've learned during my CIA CAMP. Example, I learned to study hard for me to understand the lesson. I also learned how to play well in sports. I learned to make friends. I also learned how to be independent. I want to join CIA English camp again because here is very fun. I also enjoyed my stay here. But, my parents said next time is my brother's turn so I'm not sure if I can go back here. This is also my third so, I will give chance to my two younger brothers to experience here. I think three times is enough.



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