Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K8024 JUNG JUN HYEOK > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K8024 JUNG JUN HYEOK [3]

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 21:52:18    조회: 2,769회    댓글: 3


 Hello my name is Jaden. My Korean name is Jung Jun Hyeok. I’m from Korea. I flew from Korea on December 23rd 6 o’clock in the evening. I arrived in the Philippines on December 24th 12 o’clock in the morning. When I arrived in the Philippines it feels so hot. It has a lot of people. It’s so dusty. When I arrived in CIA Camp I felt tired. During my first day in class, it’s so hot and difficult but it’s also exciting because I will meet new friends and new teachers. I joined CIA English camp to study and learn more about English. I also want to improve my speaking skills in English. I meet new friends in CIA. They are Kevin, his Korean name is Hang Soo Min, Patrick his Korean name is Park Hyun Jun, Zeno his Korean name is Lee Ta Hun, and last is Robert his Korean name is Cheo Kyung Bin. I have a lot of memorable experiences during the camp in CIA, first is when I ride a jet-ski, I like it because jet-ski is very fast. Second is when I ride banana boat. Third is when I ride a zip-line. Fourth is when I go to water slide. I have a lot of things that I learned during CIA English camp. I learned how to speak English well. I learned how to write sentences with a correct grammar. I learned new words in English. I enjoy joining CIA Camp but I don’t want to join again because I don’t have much time to rest and I’m very tired but CIA camp is good and I’m so thankful. That’s all. Thank you!



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