Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K8011 SIN SOMYUNG > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K8011 SIN SOMYUNG

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 21:06:12    조회: 1,644회    댓글: 0


My Korean name is Sin Somyung and my English name is Olivia. I arrived in the Philippines last December 23, 2018. Before I came in the Philippines. I rode an airplane from Korea to Philippines. It took 4 hours before I arrived in the Philippines (Cebu). In the airplane, I listened to music, watched movies, and ate dinner. Actually, this is my second time to study in CIA. On my first day in CIA, I felt sleepy because I had only few hours to sleep. I thought it was harder than before because of the rules and regulations. I felt excited as well because I met new friends in this camp. I joined CIA English Camp because of my friends. My mother sent me and she wanted me to study in CIA Camp again. My first friends in CIA Camp were Lucia, Grace, Jenny, and Ellie. I knew Lucia since Winter Camp. Grace was a very kind friend and she was very cute. Jenny was very bubbly because she liked to talk a lot when we were together. Ellie listened other people's opinions. My most memorable experiences in CIA Camp were when I went to shopping. I liked to buy snacks especially dried mango. I also went to one of the prestigious beaches in Cebu the Plantation Bay, it was very nice and the environment was friendly. I went to Papakits to ride zip line, it was exciting and fun. A little scary as well but I still tried to ride on it. The things I have learned in CIA English Camp where I have learned to respect the teachers as well as the people around me. I have learned to fix my own things. I have improved my English as well as my grammar constructions. I guess no, because this was my last time to study in CIA Camp. I will focus on my studies in Korea.






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