Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K8008 KIM GA YOON > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K8008 KIM GA YOON

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 20:59:55    조회: 1,686회    댓글: 0


My name is Yuna and I'm from Korea. Before I came here in CIA my mom keeps on telling to go to English Camp so we decided to let me go in CIA so I arrived in the Philippines last December 23, 2018 at 11:09 in the evening. It took a long hour to settle down myself from a long travel. On the first day in CIA, I felt disappointed because I didn't like the food, the Villa is very small and only few people I saw in CIA. But as time went by, I slowly adjust from these matters. I joined CIA English Camp because it was a little bit fun and enjoyable. But aside from that, we also did push up and it was so hard. I met a girl whose name is Erica. She became my friend from the beginning until they day she went back to kores. She was also becoming my villa mate and we always go together. Despite from the stressful happenings, I also experienced such unforgettable moments and that was when we had our activity. It was so fun and it really made me happy and gone my stress. For 1 1/2 months of staying and studying in CIA, I learned a lot of things such as using English when I speak and it enhanced my skills in English. And I believe that these things would probably help me become a better person. But I don't want to join CIA English Camp again because my experiences in CIA was not so good. But still I'm still grateful for being part of CIA camp because I discovered a lot of things.




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