Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K8007 SEO JIN HO > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K8007 SEO JIN HO

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 20:57:45    조회: 1,733회    댓글: 0


I arrived on December 22 2018. I already took a rest at 12:00 Am in the midnight. I saw few people in the Mactan International Airport because it is very late. I feel so tired and after that, I wash my body and took a sleep. I am not at the same villa with my friends so I feel bored. I feel sleepy and bored because I am not with my friends. I feel excited because I am in other country which is the Philippines. I feel good because my bed is very soft and I am comfortable with it. I feel so good because there are many villas I saw and it is very big I am amazed of it. I feel sad because I am not with my parents in 8 weeks. I joined Cebu International Academy Camp because my friend also studies here in CIA. And my second reason why I study here in CIA because the activity is very fun. I choose to study here because I want to learn more about English. I choose this school because I want to experience how to socialized other people specially people in the Philippines. And last I want to go to Philippines because Philippines is a very nice country. My first friends in Cebu International Academy are Daniel the first the Daniel the second their English name are both the Daniel. The Second Daniel is my friend in Korea we lived in the same city and the same school he is very good friend of mine. Daniel the first is also my friend we've met in Korea airport we're friends because my friend Daniel the second is the same name of Daniel the first that’s why we're friends. They are both fun that’s why I like them to be my friends. I choose them to be my friends because they help me everything. My first memorable experience here in Cebu International Academy was my speech because all my teachers before we started our lesson we do have speech practice. My second memorable experience was my sports class because my sports class was very fun. My third memorable experience was shopping day It is very important to all students because this day this day we buy many snacks which is good for 1 week. My forth memorable experience is in the villa because there is a ghost there in villa 16. My last memorable experience was going to JPark because it is very fun and the place was very beautiful. I've learned in English camp how to communicate people using English language. I've learned how to be independent because my parents are not here in the Philippines. I've learned also math lesson here in CIA. I've learned how to write diary. And the last I've also sports which is table tennis. I want to join CIA again because It is very fun. I want to learn more in English. I want to go back because I want to improve my grammar. I want to go back because CIA activities was very fun. I want to go back in CIA because It is far from Korea.



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