Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K8005 LEE HYEON CHAE > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K8005 LEE HYEON CHAE

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 20:54:02    조회: 1,459회    댓글: 0


I arrived here in the Philippines last December 22, 2018. I am very excited to come here in the Philippines. Right now, I am enjoying learning English. It is very fun. My friends are enjoying learning English too. On my very first day here in CIA English Camp, I was scared. But as of now, it’s getting better and better. I learned already how to adapt to the environment of CIA Camp. Each day, I am very happy and enjoy new experiences. The activities are very fun. I like everything. Actually, I don’t know why I joined CIA English Camp. My parents are the one who told me to come here. My friends are coming here so I agreed to come here as well. My friend’s ne is Lucia. I am happy because we are learning together in CIA English Camp. My first friend is Lucia, because I came here with her. But as the days goes by, I met many more friends. One of these friends is Olivia. She is very kind. I really like Olivia. I experienced many things while I am here in CIA English camp. I have my favorite and for me the most memorable one. It was in the sea sports. In the sea sports, we rode banana boat. It was very fun; we also rode Jet ski. Jet ski was very fun as well. I learned many things while staying here in CIA English Camp. First of all, I learned English. English for me is very important. Second, I learned more about life. I learned more how to make friends with the other students. These experiences are really great. I really like it. I love it. I want to join CIA English Camp again because I like it here. I like the activities. Everything is fun. Being here in CIA English camp is a very good experience for me.; Everything is great.




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