Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K6046 KIM GYURIM > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K6046 KIM GYURIM

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 19:05:49    조회: 1,585회    댓글: 0


My Korean name is Kim Gyurim and my English name is Jenny. I arrived in the Philippines last December 23, 2018. I arrived in the afternoon, I forgot the exact time. I rode an airplane from Korea to Philippines. It took 4 hours before I reached the Philippines. In the airplane, I slept, ate meals, and listened to music. I joined CIA English Camp again because I want to enhance my English through talking a lot of people and studying English. I wanted to play with my friends very Saturday as well. My mother wanted me to study in CIA because she knew that I learned more and improved my English. Actually, this is my second time to study in CIA, I felt happy and excited because I met new friends. I enjoyed as well because I had my friends in CIA. My first friends in CIA were Natalie, I have known her for 5 years now. We studied in the same school in Korea. My other friend was Lina, she was kind and has a sense of humor and I enjoyed them accompany. The most memorable experiences in CIA Camp were playing with my CIA friends. We sometimes fighting with each other but we fixed the problem. The activities I did every week, we explored new places, went shopping and went to the beaches around Cebu. The things I have learned in CIA English Camp where I have learned to respect the people around me. I have learned following rules for me to avoid hurting myself. Because following rule is a must. I guess no, because I promised to myself that I only studied 2 times in CIA Camp.




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