Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K6038 LIM TAE WOO > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K6038 LIM TAE WOO

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 18:43:25    조회: 1,360회    댓글: 0



My Korean name is Tae Woo and my English name is John. I arrived in the Philippines las December 23,2018. I arrived in the afternoon, but I forgot the exact time. It took 4 hours before I reached Philippines. In the airplane, I slept, listened to music and ate meal. On my first day in CIA, I felt tired and terrible because I wasn't able to have a rest after a long flight. As well as I felt excited because I met new friends in third camp. I joined CIA English because I wanted to improve my English and boost my confidence, particularly in talking to many people. My mother wanted me to study English as well. My first friend in CIA was Sean, he was my best friend in CIA camp. He was one of the kind and he gave me advice if I did wrong. I have enjoyed his company since day one until one. The most memorable experiences in CIA camp where I went to shopping with my friends in CIA camp. I went to the ocean, the oceans were nice and the people were friendly. I enjoyed all the activities every week. The things I have learned in CIA English camp where I have already confidence to speak in front of many people. I have learned to respect the teachers and all the people around me. I have learned to follow the rules for me to avoid hurting myself. I have learned to accept my mistakes and learned from those. I guess no, because I want to focus on my studies in Korea. I hope I can join again but I am not sure about it yet. 4b3caf449f41e37e7210b365c0b12ef6_1550742196_2005.jpg 


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