Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K6025 LEE DA HOON > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K6025 LEE DA HOON

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 16:49:43    조회: 1,496회    댓글: 0


Hello! My name is Zeno and my Korean name is Lee Dahoon. I'm from South Korea. I arrived in the Philippines last December 22, 2018 on Saturday. When I came here in CIA, I fell little bit nervous because this is my first travel experience without my family, and I fell happy too because I didn't travel Philippines before. I join CIA English Camp because my sister came here in CIA before and my parents decided me to join CIA Camp. My first friend is Kevin because he is my schoolmate in Korea. I had so many memorable experiences in CIA Camp. We had many activities and every Wednesday we have our shopping day. We went to SM Mall which I like too, because I can buy anything some snacks, presents to my family and something that I needed to buy. I learned in CIA English Camp on how to speak English well and I should have learned about this language. English language is very important in order for us to communicate other people. It helped me to improved my writing skills and speaking skills, and also I enjoyed the sports recreation. I will join CIA English Camp again because learning English is fun and many Korean staffs were kind and also many activities that I enjoyed much.



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