Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K6024 KIM YOUNG MIN > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K6024 KIM YOUNG MIN

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 16:47:19    조회: 1,429회    댓글: 0


Hi! My name is Kim Youngmin and my English name is Daisy. I am fourteen years old. I live in South Korea. I am in 6th grade. I arrived in the Philippines last December 22, 2018 on Saturday. My first day in CIA, I felt very nervous and excited. My expectation is that I’m going to have many friends. My knowledge will become better than before. Also, I want to eat Philippine food. I am also thinking that all of my teachers will be very kind and approachable. My mom sent me here to learn. I want that my knowledge about English will become broader and improved. I also want to learn more about grammar and sentences. This is my third travel experience, first were Japan and next Thailand and lastly in the Philippines. This is my first time to travel alone without my family and it took much longer. My first friends in CIA Camp were are Allysa, Leah, Lily, Linda, Jiny nd Rusty. My friends are very pretty and friendly. As days goes by I met Somin and Kylie, so we become friends. Among of my teachers are Queenie and Roquesa become my friends too. All CIA students were very nice and good specially girls. My Most memorable experiences in CIA English Camp was the Christmas Party because there are lots of foods and we do exchanging gifts. Second was the zip line even though it was very scary but I was having fun and the views were very beautiful. Third was my jet ski and Banana boat at the beach located in Mactan Newtown. I am also done with my speech and I felt very nervous and happy. Last would be this upcoming farewell party. The things that I learned were making sentences using grammar. I learned how to listen well. I enhance my skills in reading too. I also learned many unfamiliar words. Now I learned a lot of vocabulary, before I came in CIA camp I only have a few. I don’t want to join CIA camp again because I get up very early. However, all of my teachers are very king and funny. Also, studying is very hard and studying time is very long. Punishment is very scary if you’re late in your class and if you don’t study. We will be going to be punish like studying English and writing from 10:00 pm to 12:00 in the morning. It is very hard and tiring so I don’t want to join in CIA camp Again.




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