Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K6022 PARK JIN SOO > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K6022 PARK JIN SOO

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 16:42:52    조회: 1,483회    댓글: 0


I arrive in the Philippines on December 24, 2018 at 3A.M together with my friends and teacher. It was my first time in the Philippines so the surroundings are new to me and also the looks of the people around me. During my first day in CIA English Camp I feel good because it was summer, new students, new teachers and new foods also. But in the evening it was very sad and I want to. Go back to Korea because I missed my family. I can't call my mom, so I can't enjoy. But later on, my aunt came here so I was happy. Then soon, my aunt goes back to Korea, I was sad again. I felt excitement because I only have 4days here and a I go back to Korea soon and I can see them again. I joined CIA English Camp because of my parents. During August 2018 the CIA invited my parents that's why my mom decided to send me here. At first, I didn't agree but my parents wanted my English skills to be develop and I wanted to also that's why I agree their decision. I know it's for my own goodness that's why they let me sent here in Philippines at CIA English Camp because they think it can help me. My first friend here in CIA is Han Yong Sik, he's English name is Logan. He is my best friend same old with me. He likes computer game but here in Philippines he can't play because it's not allowed. Days passed by Logan is not only my friend but there are many like Kevin, Thomas, Jaden and many more. My memorable experience in CIA Camp are many. Like, I went to J.Park with my co-students, then went to SM City for shopping, went to J.Mall and many places here in Cebu. And I don't forget also my teachers who taught me many things especially English. And also met my aunt here and that's the time I felt happiness. The things that I've learned in CIA English Camp is to learned English more and pronouncing the words that I don't know and knowing some unfamiliar words. I've learned also to be myself, to live here without my family, I know it's hard but I was happy. And mingling with different attitudes of students. I was thankful to CIA English Camp for the learning that I've experience. Yes, I want to join CIA English Camp again but together with my family because it was really fun. There in my side every day until the camp ended. It's not easy that I am not with my family especially when I need them but they’re not around so it was so sad. Experiencing CIA English Camp is wonderful.



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