Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K6019 NA SEUNG YEON > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K6019 NA SEUNG YEON

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 16:33:10    조회: 1,570회    댓글: 0


I came here in the Philippines on December 23, 2018. I'm excited to come here because it is my first in the Philippines. I had a little worry about it because I don’t know how to adjust in a new environment here in the Philippines. But I need to make friends with the other students. I am very excited. I had stomachache in my first day in CIA. It was not a good I don’t like the environment. I enjoyed the camp it was fun but sometimes I really have to rest because I always had a stomachache. CIA English camp is one of my best experience. I met new friends I had a villa mates and it was fun. My first day is not good but I had to enjoyed it for my future. I joined CIA English camp because my cousin sister and my cousin brother was going here. They encourage me to joined here also. I am also excited to study here in CIA English camp. When I saw the schedule chart in CIA I was amazed and excited because of many fun activities. That's the reason why I enjoyed CIA English camp. I met friends in CIA came here name is Judy. She is very nice and good to me. She is also funny she always makes me laughs. We had the same villa we are always talking funny things. I consider her as one of my good friends in CIA English camp. My memorable experience in CIA camp was a fun experience. I experienced Zip line and sea sports. That experienced was very fun and interesting. I am not good in riding and I am scared of many things. That experiences of mine built my confident in doing scary things. I learned different subjects like Voca. I knew different words and I can use it in making a sentences. I also learned new words which can help me to add in my vocabulary. I also study grammar on how to have correct and use in every sentences. Before I came in this camp I don’t know how to play badminton but in CIA they teach us on how to play badminton and learned from it. I don’t want to join again. Though it was fun and memorable experience but I really miss my family and I am always sick and had a stomachache. One camp is enough to experience such wonderful feelings and meeting new friends.




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