Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K6013 PARK SEONG BEEN > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K6013 PARK SEONG BEEN

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 15:14:18    조회: 1,170회    댓글: 0


We arrived here on December 24, 2018 early in the morning. When we arrived in the Philippines the air is heavier and warm than Korea. Also we are very tired. It was a very sleepy day to me. I need to take a rest. I felt very tired because there was not enough time to sleep. It was not good I don’t like the environment. I enjoyed the camp it was fun but sometimes I really have to rest because I always felt sleepy. CIA English camp is one of my best experience. My first day is not good but I had to enjoy it for my future. I joined CIA English camp to learn English. I also want to get more relationship with my friends. I am excited to study here in CIA English camp. I also met my friends last summer camp. CIA English camp is one of the best camp that I joined. My first friend in CIA camp was James. He was nice and good to me. He also makes laugh. We had also the same villa we are always talking. We had a good time together. I consider him as one of my good friends in CIA camp. My memorable experiences in CIA when we are having massage. It was really good and relaxing. I also experienced Zip line and water sports it was fun and nice experience. We also did bowling and skiing it was also enjoyable. It was good and memorable experiences to me. The things that I learned in CIA were many. I learned English well and sports are good. I learned how to swim and played the table tennis. I also learned on how to make relationship with my friends and I know how to respect someone. I've learned a lot in CIA camp and that is one of my best experience in CIA. I will not join again because I will be very busy in preparing for the middle school. Though CIA camp is fun and enjoyable but I have to be prepare for middle school. CIA camp experience were the best. Students had learned a lot not only in studying but also in making friends with the other students. It was fun and memorable experience




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