Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K6012 KIM MINJU > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K6012 KIM MINJU

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 15:12:27    조회: 1,119회    댓글: 0


I arrived in Philippines on December 23rd with my best friend James. I was very tired with my flight and I felt sleepy when I arrived in my Villa and I lay down on my bed immediately. I feel scary on my first day in CIA because it is my first time in CIA. I feel nervous also because I don’t have a lot of friends. I feel uncomfortable at first with my villa mates. I joined CIA because my mom told me to join to study English. And also I want to meet new friends. My first friends in CIA were Tomas, Robert, and Jaden they are my first friends in CIA because they are so kind and friendly to me. We play during our vacant time. I have so many memorable experiences in CIA first, is Christmas party it was so fun because we do exchange gift and I enjoyed it a lot. Second, is edge coaster I was so scary and I felt so nervous because we are in the top of the hotel. Third is water sports activities which is jet ski, jet ski is very fun and when we had our water activities jet ski is one of my favorite. I learned a lot of things in CIA. First is on how to be brave to face my fears, because being separated with your parents is not easy. Second is being a responsible a student, as a student you should do your responsibilities like you should not be late in class and to study hard. No, because CIA camp is very tired and I don’t have enough sleep here in CIA but I will miss CIA because my friends are here too.



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