Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K6011 PARK HYUN JUNE > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K6011 PARK HYUN JUNE

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 15:09:52    조회: 1,096회    댓글: 0


I am James and I'm from South Korea. I arrived here in the Philippines last December 23, 2018 at 11:09 in the evening. At first, I felt a little bit afraid because I was not with my family and it was so sad to think that it was my first time to go to other place without my family. I didn't know what would be my life there. Though my family wasn't there, but I had a group of people who treated me like their family. In CIA, I met Kevin, Tomas, Robert, and Jaden for the first time. As time went by, they became my friends and we always play together. Also we stayed at the same Villa. For how many days and weeks staying here in Cia, I experienced a lot of things, others were becoming my memorable moments such as having activities. And I enjoyed it a lot. This memorable moment will remain in my heart. Aside from enjoying a lot of activities, I also learned some things that could help me to become a better person in the future. Through my grammar class, voca class, native class, sports class, lass and wags, I learned how to communicate to other people. And if I give a chance to join again in CIA English camp again, it would be a Yes because I want to learn English more and enhance my skills in writing, reading, speaking and listening. CIA English Camp is a great help indeed.




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