Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K6009 KIM SUN WOO > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K6009 KIM SUN WOO

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 15:02:12    조회: 1,139회    댓글: 0



I rode an airplane from Korea last December 23, 2018. I arrived here in the Philippines on December 24, 2018 around 1:00-2:00 am. I reached the airport at dawn, it was so cold at that time. After the airport, I went to CIA English camp with the other students and Filipino staff. When we arrived at CIA English Camp, we rest. On my very first day here in CIA English Camp, I thought this place was very fun, and indeed it is fun. Actually, I feel mixed emotions and feelings on my very first day. On my very first day, I also feel excited, nervous and many more. The feelings that I had on the very first day is still in my heart until now, especially happiness. I am really happy right now. I think I had many reasons why I joined CIA English camp. And the very first reason is that I want to speak English very well. I also joined CIA English camp because I want to meet new friends. Learning English language will be very helpful to me when I want to communicate with my new friends, especially to my friends from other country. Learning English is important to me. When I came here on CIA English camp, I met many new friends. When I think about my first friends here, I cannot remember who were they anymore. Even though I cannot remember who were my first friends here in CIA English Camp, I know they are still my friends until now, so I’m not worried. I will be forever grateful with my friends that I met here in CIA English Camp. I hope I can see them again in the future. I won’t forget every single moment that I did and experienced here in CIA English Camp. But I had the most memorable one, it was my J-Park experiences. It was really fun, the swimming, the playing and also the food. I hope I can visit and have fun again in the J-Park. I will keep my memories deep in my heart forever. I learned a lot of things here in CIA camp. I learned to read faster while reading stories every day. I also learned many new vocabularies every single day. Aside from that, I also learned to make new friends and have fun with them. Learning is really fun. I really want to join CIA English Camp again. But it depends to the money. If we don’t have enough money, then maybe I can’t join again. I hope I can earn money so that I can join CIA English Camp

again. I will miss CIA English Camp.




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