Logger Script 19th CIA Junior Camp S6001 진다희 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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19th CIA Junior Camp S6001 진다희

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,731회    댓글: 0

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My mother was reading a blog about CIA. Then. she asked me if I want to go to CIA. So. I answered “Yes! I want to go.” After that I prepared everything and myself for my flight here in Philippines. I arrived here last July 15. 2012.

  When I arrived here in Philippines. I felt very excited because this is my first time to study English abroad. In here. I met other CIA students. I was very shy that time. My first friend was Felicia. I sat beside her in the airplane and we talked a lot. But now I have plenty of friends. They are Clara. Kristine. T-Ara. Rachel. Hera. Kelly. Alice. Lily and Felicia. Sometimes. they are fun to be with and they are also my roommates . We usually make some noise in our room and talk.

  Here in CIA. we had self-introduction. room poster making. Zipline. Edge coaster. Water sports (Banana boat and Jet ski). City tour ( Crocolandia. Magellan’s Cross and Fort San Pedro). Plantation Bay. Home Visit. School Visit. SM and Gaisano Shopping. We also played Golden bell game. visited the children in the Cassa Miani Orphanage and had our free swimming in the hotel. My best experience here was when we visit the orphanage because I learned and realized that it’s hard to live without parents. I’m lucky enough that I have my parents in Korea who care for me and they didn’t abandon me.

  I like CIA because Filipino teachers are fun and kind. They teach me English very well. My teachers are Annabel. she is my grammar teacher. She is fun in class but sometimes boring. Next. is Teacher Ricza. She is my vocabulary teacher. she teaches very hard words. Then. Teacher Henry. my swimming instructor. He is very funny when he is dancing. Next. is teacher Steph. She is my reading teacher. She makes my class not boring because she is funny. I learned many things from her aside from laughing.

  Next teacher is Teacher Douglas. He teaches Callan Method. He is Scottish and he is very good in speaking English. Lastly. is Teacher Ronel. He is my listening teacher. He is fun and also makes me laugh. (hehe~)

  I’m planning to join CIA camp again because they help me improve my English. enhances my reading. writing. listening and speaking skills. The teachers are also very good in teaching English. As a student I was able to learn many things and enjoy at the same time.


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