Logger Script 19th CIA Junior Camp S4007 정하석 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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19th CIA Junior Camp S4007 정하석

작성자: T-cyrus님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,757회    댓글: 0

Post script<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


I arrived here in CIA at July 22. That day was fine and sunny. I rode airplane to come here. There was Sunny and Luna beside me. I didn’t feel many things. But I wanted to go home little bit. And I also felt that I should study hard. In addition I felt that I have to make many friends. But I felt that I want to go home faster mostly. The reason that I come here is that my parents want my English to get better. SO they decided to send me here and I just said OK I thought the word OK is very dangerous. Because I just said and my parents understood that I wanted to come here so I came here. My parents told me about CIA last camp. And they told me again this time. When I first met CIA students I was happy. And felt same with them that I want to go home. My first friend that I met in CIA is Dean and Daniel. I became friends with them because Daniel talked me in the airplane. And they did fun things. We usually play and buy something at store. Also we swim. We went SM. Plantation bay. Crocolandia. Fort San Pedro. Magellan’s cross. water sports. and Casamiani.  And we have Man to Man classes. group classes. sport classes. native classes. diary writing time. and math class. Above those experiences here in CIA the best experience is going to SM to have shopping. It is fun to buy things that we want. I like CIA. The Korean staff is kind and Philippine teachers are kind too. But is there is disadvantage that is that we want to go home I think. Mt parents will send me here in CIA next winter camp I think. It will be my third time to join this camp!!!



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