Logger Script 19th CIA Junior Camp S4006 이민선 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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19th CIA Junior Camp S4006 이민선

작성자: T-cyrus님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,850회    댓글: 0

Post Script<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


S4006 Sunny

 I arrived here at 4:00 am. My feeling was nervous because  I dont have friends yet. But I have friend now. Her name is Luna. She is 13 years old. I told about my experience to my friend Luna. At first my feeling was I want to make many friends. So now I have many friends here in CIA. I came here in the Philippines because I want to study English. First my parents talked about CIA but I was scared and I think I will go to Philippines then I need to study well. So I will go to CIA in Philippines. My Mom asked Sunny. Philippines is okay?. My Dad said Sunny. study hard there. My little brother said Sister. you go back to Korea and you play with me.. I want to see my family. My feelings is missing my family.

      But CIA experience is fun most especially the time when I went to teacher Jeremias House. I was surprised. She has one room and 4 people live. Another thing is that the sofa is bed. If you spread the sofa it will become bed.

      We ate dinner. Pork. Mango Juice. Barbecue. Chicken and Spaghetti . It is Yummy. We went to church. It was quiet. But someone is playing. Someone is little kind sister. Then we went bak to Hotel by riding a van.

      My best experienced was the school visit. I went to Pajo Elementary School. I rode a van and my feeling of anticipation. When I arrived in Pajo Elemenatry School . I did study and play. Im happy because Im the leader of Group 2. My friend of mine sign there. There names are Jullyn Grace. Nina Jane. Jan Marie. Christian Joy. Kisha L. Laga Sun. Norie Casilagan. April Tleiaia. Mae Y. Broce. Maria Kathlyn Fernandes. Ferlyn D. Petea. Calza fasil jauino. Micherel chegelo cafinonio. Ericer me. vamgle mae. Chrisibelle. Tompos. Susom A. Rubia. Dalaugo. Torrerenochg. Chrismarko. Villocaotin. Marreon A. Galle gos. Baby cell A .Rubia. Stefany jog S. vilano-ac. Goo. Florict a Donaire etc..

      We are funny. I play games too.

      I like CIA camp. Because I met Philippines teachers and friend.

I will join again CIA camp with my family.


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