Logger Script 19th CIA Junior Camp S4005 한진아 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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19th CIA Junior Camp S4005 한진아

작성자: T-cyrus님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,580회    댓글: 0

Post Script<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

         I arrived here on July 22. 2012 because I am a 4 weeks student. 6 weeks is very long so I decided to join 4weeks. My feeling on that day July 22. 2012 not sleepy so I’m very tired and I don’t know any one so I’m very scared. Because I’m student so that’s the reason why I study English. I will study math. grammar. listening. reading. vocabulary. sports. and native class. all are related with English class. Sometimes I felt bad. good. sad. and angry. mixed emotions. Those are the things I can tell about CIA.

My feeling when I first met other CIA students. it was very fun because my first friend had a very fun face. My first friend are Sunny( 민선)Jane(강주원). Lily(강재원). Sam (정하석). Dean박현준. Daniele (최근영)They are 4 weeks students I don’t exactly how many friends do I have here. may be I have 20 friends but I have very many friends in CIA. I usually do funny story. running. sleeping always. studying. singing. and dancing. My friends are 404. 408. and 411.706. Very many so I don’t know my friends member.

My best experienced when I met them my friends. namely Ade. Jane. Lily. Sunny. Lily. Jane. Sam. Daniele. etc.

I like many things here.



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