Logger Script 19th CIA Junior Camp S4003 강주원 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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19th CIA Junior Camp S4003 강주원

작성자: T-cyrus님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,476회    댓글: 0

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I arrived July 23rd about a.m. 2:30.

It was very tired and interesting and hotel was not good. Because different hotel in the internet.

I came here because I want go another country. First choose I will go to Canada. But my mom said to me Canada is homestay. So I change another country .o I choose Philippines. Many students learn English in Philippines. My mom said to me about CIA. In the beginning I don’t want to go Philippines. Because Philippines is hot and I don’t go to Philippines with my parents. So I don‘t want to go Philippines. I think many students go to Philippines. But it has not many students. Special Junior 4weeks only 7students. It is very small. And I met friends it was very strain.

But now I’m okay. 6weeks many students come here about 16. I think. It’s not true.

The first friend is Luna and Sunny. Because they are my roommates and four weeks class is having three boys and four girls. So they are my first friends Luna and Sunny asked to me first with talking about the six weeks class we have a friend in that group also. So we play with them.

I went to SM Mall and do window shaping and buy some food in the mall. We rode banana boat. Jet Ski. and bicycle in plantation bay. The best experience that I have is the event we had in plantation bay. Because the pool is big and enjoyable and rode kayak. wall climbing and archery. It was very fun.

I like CIA and make me I want go to CIA again.



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