Logger Script 19th CIA Junior Camp S4002 최근영 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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19th CIA Junior Camp S4002 최근영

작성자: T-cyrus님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,691회    댓글: 0

Post Script<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


             I arrived here in CIA on Sunday night. It feels so good. I arrived here in CIA so fast and I was very excited to meet new friends as well as my teachers. I came here to learned and study English because English is very important and useful for my future.

             I knew CIA because my mother did a research of where can I study English and she finds out about CIA. So she told me to go to CIA here in the Philippines. CIA is not just a good English School but it is also very fun.

             When I met the other students at first. I was a little bit shy because I still don’t know if others will be good to me or not. But from then on I found out that they were good so I was so happy to met the other students most especially my roommates.

             I met Sam who happened to be my first friend in CIA. He was nice and funny. We talked a lot of things from the airport until we became roommates.

             The things that we usually did together aside from talking funny stories. we also went swimming and ate together. During free time we played and roam around together. It was very fun having my time with my CIA friend named Sam.

             In CIA I experienced a lot of things aside from studying the whole week and do the diary at night. We also went to different places during weekends. At first. we went to Crocolandia. Magellan’s Cross. and also SM Mall. We also had our water sports in Tambuli and we went again to SM Mall to have a shopping. We also went to Casamiana. Casamiana is an orphanage. It was my first time to go there and talked to orphan kids and played with them. It was a nice experience. Lastly we went to Plantation Bay. We did swimming and played lot of games. I felt so tired on that day but I was so happy.

             It was a wonderful experienced to me. But above all my best experienced that I had here was I did shopping in SM mall. CIA Camp is bad because everyday I am very tired and needs to study very hard. I still want to join CIA camp..


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