Logger Script 18th CIA Junior Camp 8011 이지현 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Junior Camp 8011 이지현 [3]

작성자: CIA Camp님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 7,396회    댓글: 3


English name: Bella

ID #: 8011

                     CIA Winter Camp

I joined this CIA winter camp because I want to improve my English skill and for me to experience new interesting things. I think CIA camp is good for me because this camp staff always respect and understand students. Although. CIA schedule is a little strict. Actually. I don’t like Spartan education. It is difficult for me to learn all courses. As things to learn are too much for me and I don’t have enough time to finish it. But we can learn English effectively during our class. This way I like the timetable of CIA.

And then all teachers are very kind to me. I mean when we make trouble. they are really scary. but

The others. they are always good teachers for us. For example. they asked us “Today. do you have difficult things in your class? And if you have that. please tell me about that.” “How are you?.” Even they cheer me up.

Also. we can learn mathematics. swimming. friendship and human nature. Before I left from Korea. I am expecting a lot about this camp. On the other hand. I was worried. I can have new. Experiences and most of the people said “Cebu city is really good place. so I want to visit Cebu city.

Instead. I couldn’t meet my parents for 8weeks and I have many things to worry. For example ‘Can I make friends well?.’ ‘meal is good?.’ ‘Can I improve my English skill well?’ those things make me feel nervous. We can have interesting activity. and it is easier for me to make a friend and to adapt from camp life and to study English. Everything is not problems.

My parents can know that I’m always safety in this camp through my letter. Also. they can call me every weekend. Seeing my picture is very easy for them in CIA website. Therefore. they don’t need to worry about me. One of the most memorable activity is riding Edge coaster because it is the first time for me to be on high place. Else. there are many other activities. something like visiting the house of teacher and school and shopping in SM mall.

Among others. My favorite activity is shopping in the SM mall I can buy some snacks and Filipino. when visited to the middle in Cebu. I could learn English. math and human nature.

I think. my English skill is better than before. since I studied in this camp. It helped me to have confidence about English. Actually. when I lived in Korea I was afraid anymore.

Finally. I want to say that I do love this camp.




                         CIA Winter Camp

나는 이캠프에 참여하게되었다. 왜냐하면 영어실력을 향샹시켰고 새로운 경험을 하기 위해 참여하게 되었다. CIA 캠프는 애들에게 정말 좋은 캠프인거같다. 왜냐하면 여기는 스파르타지만 일단 먼저 학생을 이해해주고 배려해준다. 원래 나는 스파르타를 싫어한다. 빠르게진도를 나가야하고 많고 매우 어렵기


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