Logger Script 18th CIA Junior Camp 8010 임민정 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Junior Camp 8010 임민정

작성자: CIA Camp님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,991회    댓글: 0


English name: Poula

ID #: 8010

“Happy and special experience in CIA Winter Camp”

                I got a recommendation from my academy about this camp. So. I decided to join to CIA winter camp. And went to a strange country (Philippines) without my parents. but I think it’s fun. When I arrived in this camp. I was really tired and I felt discomfort to adapt here. I decided to join the camp but. I missed my house. This is my first time to visit foreign country without my family. So I felt strange. but as time goes by I started to like this camp. Camp existence is fun. I think coming here was a good decision for me. I have a little gap from my teacher but I have a class so we talked a lot of things. After sometimes. we became friends and we can make jokes already. But it is hard to be closed with Korean staff. However. we are very friendly to each other. We have jokes and games. Meeting another people is fun too. When I came here I had level test it means what group I belong. I had a test care so my level is up. I am thinking to maintain my level. I have to study hard. During weekdays we study hard but. during holidays or weekends we play and had fun. After roll call we slept but. sometimes we don’t sleep.  My roommates and I made noise. Sometimes I talked with my roommates. Weekend is a very happy and special day for me. We call our parents and watched movies. Saturday. we went to SM mall. When we went to SM together with my friends and sisters. I know that we can relieve our stress. Plantation bay is one of the places I can’t forget.

             In plantation bay. we caught fish and we had swimming.  We had so much fun there. During home visit. we visited Filipino teacher’s house and I can’t forget the mango ice cream taste. Edge coaster is one of the funniest activities we had. Water sport was fun too. We went to the beach and we rode banana boat and Jet Ski. I had so much fun too. When I went to crocodile farm. I thought crocodiles were dead. because they are not moving. but they are not dead. They are real crocodiles. I can’t take out the zip line. it was not high. But we rode with my friend. And it was fun. I learned so many things in CIA camp. This camp is not only English skills. relation. group life; importance of a family. Theses are experiences I can’t get in Korea. I can feel my family and my friends’ importance. I met my best friends in this camp. New experiences and meeting new people are not scary or afraid. It is fun and happy. I think. humans relation is important and learn many things and get many things in CIA English camp.








ID #: 8010

English name: Poula

Korean name:임민정

제목 : 행복하고 특별한 경험


학원에서 추천을 받아 내결정으로 CIA영어캠프에 오게 되었다부모님 없이 외국을 나간다는 것은 재미있을거라 생각했다 . 처음 캠프에 도착하였을 때는 매우 불편하였다 . 내가 이곳에 온다고 결정을 내리고 캠프였지만 자꾸 집이 그리워 졌다. 처음나오는 외국인데 더군다나  부모님도 없으니 왠지 이상한 느낌이 들었다. 하지만 점점 시간이 지나자 마음에들지 않았던 캠프가 마음에 들고. 캠프생활이 즐거워 졌다. 나는 처음부터 CIA 영어 캠프에 만족하고 오길 했다고 생각한다. 원어민 선생님들과는 약간의 거리가 있었는것 같다. 하지만 수업을 하며 많은 대화를 나누니 언젠가 부터 서로 장난도 치고 농담을 하는 사이로 변하였다. 하지만 한국 스태프들과는 친해지기가 정말 힘들었지만 언젠가 부터 선생님들이 이름을 알과 서로 농담을 하고 장난도 치는  그런 편한 사이가 되었다. 새로운 사람을 만나는것은 재미있는 일이다. 캠프에 와서 3 정도 시험을 본것 같다. 레벨테스트는 우리가 어느 그룹에서 공부하느냐를<span


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