Logger Script 18th CIA Junior Camp 8008 김수빈 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Junior Camp 8008 김수빈

작성자: CIA Camp님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,695회    댓글: 0

ID No: 8008

Name: Dave

                                                            CIA English Camp

                 My parents force me to enroll this English camp. But I don’t have plan to study English .This is my first time here in the camp. I feel nervous because I don’t have friends in CIA. but after 1 week. I met many friends they are   good and very kind to me it was very fun. I and my friends were very opened to each other and. I spoke many times with my friends. The intimate Korean staff teachers they are laborious intimate from the time that the teacher know my name and friends with me. Every Sunday I took a weekly test. and level test about grammar lesson. This examination is an assessment of our learning and after the result of the exam I change my group level. Every Saturday we have a special day. We went to mall like big SM. I felt very good. Next we went to plantation bay. It was good. the food was very delicious and also many games to play. The banana boat it was very enjoyed and nice experience. I want to ride one more time .That was very interesting. I realized and learned many things in this camp. This camp is not only English skills. but also tried the students into the world of reality.


ID NO: 8008

Name: 김수빈


                나는 갑자기 이번 영어캠프에 오게 되었다. 부모님은 캠프에 가라고 했지만 나는 그것을 반대했다. 하지만 부모님은 벌써신청하였다고 해서 억지로 이곳에 오게되었다. 부모님 없이 처음으로 외국으로 나는 모든것이 낯설었다.처음에는 나와 친구들의 사이가 어색했지만 친구들과 많은 대화를 하면서 친해졌다. 한국 스태프 선생님들과는 친해지기가 힘들었지만 언제부터 선생님들이  이름도 알고 장난도치는 편한 사이가 되었다. 매주 일요일 우리는 주간태스트를 보았다.이시험은 일주일동안 얼마나 공부를열심히 했는지 알려주는 시험이다.주말 토요일은 아주 특별한 날이다. 정말 SM에가면 나는 정말 좋았다. 밥도 맛있었고 놀거리도 많이 있었다. 바나나 보트와 제트스키도 더위를


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