Logger Script 18th CIA Junior Camp 8004 임수민 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Junior Camp 8004 임수민

작성자: CIA Camp님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,789회    댓글: 0



I’m Su Min

CIA English Camp

I came this camp because I don’t like English and I can’t speak in English well. In the airport. I saw people with hat on their head. So I felt excited and worried. It’s my first time to be away with my family and I am worried about the food if it is delicious or not. I greeted my family lastly. I rode the airplane. I arrived at Philippines and I felt awkward with my new friends. But now we are so close with each other. So we are in a moment of adaptation. The next day. we did level test and first lesson with my Filipino teacher. Philippines is another country but it is very funny especially funny class with my man to man class. I study with only one teacher so I can express my opinion directly and teachers are so kind. We also have swimming class four times a week which is also funny. Old days I learned swimming. but I forgot it already. So I learned it again now and we can swim freely. but the water is so deep. I am very excited to go to another place. I want to know more good things in Philippines and what kind of food they have. In SM mall. we do calculations and ask directions and I feel very fun. We also have weekly test. level test. math class and vocabulary class. We do math in preparation for the next school year and we study vocabulary words of English. I feel good with my English in this camp. I like to study more in this place than in Korea. In this place. I can talk with Filipino teacher and studying is also vey funny. I study very hard now and I can show to my parents that my English is now good and merit.





내가 캠프에 오게된 이유는 내가 영어를 싫어하고 못하기 때문이다.공항에서 처음으로 CIA 모자를 사람들을 보니까 기대도 되고 걱정도 되었다.가족과 이렇게 오래 떨어져있는것도 처음이었다.그리고 음식도 입에 맞을까 걱정도 되었다.가족과 마지막 인사를 비행기에 타고 필리핀에 도착했을때 까지는 핀구들과 어색했다.하지만 같은 학년끼리 같은 방이 되서인지 금방 친해지고 적응도 금방 되었다.다음날 레벨테스트를 보고 이곳에서 처음으로 필리핀선생님들과 수업을 해봤다.다른나라 사람이여서 말도 못하고 의사소통도 안될것같았는데 정말 재미있었다.특히 맨투맨 수업이 가장 재미있었다.선생님과 나만 공부를 하기 때문에 의견도 말할 있고 선생님도 친절했기 때문이다.그리고 일주일에 4번씩 하는 수영수업도 재미있다.예전에 한번 배운적이 있는데 지금은 까먹어서 새로 배우고 있다.물도 깊어서 일요일에 하는 자유수영시간도재미있게 놀수있어서 좋다.주말마다 놀러가는것도 흥미롭다.필리핀이 어떤 나라인지도 알수있고 어떤것이 좋고 어떤 음식을 먹는지 하나씩 알게되는것도 새롭다.SM몰에서는 우리가 <span lang="KO" style="font-family:&


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