Logger Script 18th CIA Junior Camp 6109 심지희 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Junior Camp 6109 심지희

작성자: CIA Camp님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,484회    댓글: 0

English name: Lisa (6109)


I joined camps three times already. So. at first I don’t want to go here. But I was also thinking of coming here in the Philippines again. First. I am disappointed because there are no handsome people here. So I was sad. However. my roommates and I became friends easily. First weekend we went to SM mall I was really fluttered. But when I joined another camp before and we go to SM mall also. So I was really glad to go SM mall again. In this camp. I wake up early so I am having a hard time adjusting the schedule. Weekdays. I study but time is fast so it is okay. However during weekend I went out of the resort and had activity outside. We went to SM mall. orphanage. free swimming. crocodile farm and plantation bay. Sometimes I am tired during weekend activity but it is better than studying during week days. So. I have patience during weekend. Once a week I can call to my parents so. it is good. We also watched movies every Sunday and had free swimming. When I have extra time and nothing to do I miss my parents but I don’t feel alone because I have friends in here. Sometimes I miss my house. Korean foods but I want to study English here.

Korean version:

캠프가3번째라서 간다는느낌이 안들었다.필리핀에와도왔구나 하고 생각만했다.근데 처음엔 실망했다.왜냐하면 잘생긴애가 업써서…..그래서 처음엔 우울했다.그래도 룸메이트랑 빨리친해져서 좋았다.처음에 SM mall 갔을때정말 설레고기대되었었다.그런데 다른캠프에서 SM mall 갔었다.그래서 진짜 신기했고 반가웠다.

처음에는 맨날 일찍일어나서힘들지만 지금도힘들다.평일에는공부를하지만 시간이빨리가는것 같아서 괜찮다.주말에는 SM mall.고아원.자유수영.악어농장.플랜테이션 베이…..짜증나고 힘들때도있엇지만공부하는것보단 낳아서 참을수있었다.

일주일에 1번엄마.아빠한태 전화할수있어서좋고 영화를봐서  좋은데 잠이와서거의잔다.

남은시간동안 엄마.아빠를그리워하고.집을더욱더 그리워하고.한국음식을그리워하면서 영어공부를 열씨미 하겠다


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