Logger Script 18th CIA Junior Camp 6108 박소연 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Junior Camp 6108 박소연

작성자: CIA Camp님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,491회    댓글: 0



Park so yun


My experience in CIA winter camp

In my case. I hesitated to join this camp because I’m high school student. So. it’s a little bit late but I like English and I’ve been here in Philippines before so I decided to join with my cousin. I promised to do my best because it’ll be the last time to study in other country. When I arrived at Inchon airport. I ride airplane which is going to Cebu. I was exciting too much and when I arrived at Cebu. the weather was very different. And I entered my room first. I saw my room mates. They were all middle school student so I felt out of place. But. soon I got friends in this resort and routine. On weekdays. we studied hard. I took a lesson such as grammar. voca. discussion. math class and diary. In group class. I could exchange my mind and my thoughts with my class mates.

Son. it was more efficiency for everyone. On weekend. we went to many exciting places. In my case. school visit and orphanage was the most memorable because it was unusual experience. I could learn not only English but also culture being with Philippines  outside the camp.

I did my best to learn English on weekdays and I could reduce stress on weekend. Every weekend was very interesting an happy memories for me. I stayed very well in this camp because all teachers and Korean staff were take care of us well. So I could enjoy. I am satisfied about this camp. I’ll miss this camp a lot. All Filipino teachers. Korean staff and all students in here and especially. my roommate. Thanks for all the memories we’ve shared together. I’ll never forget this camp. And I’ll go back to korea with good and happy memories only. I hope all students will be happy too and have a nice memories.





연수 후기

 고등학생인 나로써는 캠프에 참가하기에는 늦은감이 없지않아 있었지만 평소에  영어를  좋아하고 한번 와본 경험도 있어서 사촌동생과 캠프에 참가하게 되었다. 마지막 연수기회라 생각하고 열심히 하리라 다짐하며 세부에 오게 되었다. 인천 공항에 도착하자 마자 세부행 비행기를 타고 세부에 도착했을때 날씨부터 많이 달랐다. 리조트에 도착해서 방배정을 받고 들어갔을때 동생들이 와있었는데 고등학생은 나뿐이랑 조금 어색하고 걱정도 되었다. 하지만 동생들은 모두 착하고 귀여웠다. 시간이 지날수록 리조트와 하루일상에 적응하게되었다. 고등학생이 되면서 회화를 기회가 없었는데 이곳에서는 평소에 영어를 사용하여 자연스럽게 영어를 배웠다. 평일에는 </sp


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