Logger Script 18th CIA Junior Camp 6106 김현수 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Junior Camp 6106 김현수

작성자: CIA Camp님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,854회    댓글: 0

6106 Max 김현수

Post Script

            I went to Incheon International airport and I rode Asiana airport and I arrived here in Philippines Cebu in CIA. Suddenly I went to this Camp because my parents told me but my adjustment period runs very fast in here so I am pleasant in this camp. First I arrived this camp I am very tired and very hard but a week later I easily adapted this camp and I had pleasant live in here. Before in Korea. what I think is to only play this camp but this camp’s schedule is very hard and difficult and looks very tiring so I promise I will study in this English camp very hard and pleasant and I had many activities in this camp. On Sunday and Saturday I went to SM. Plantation Bay. beach. orphanage so that was my new experiences and I had very exciting moment. The most important thing is the test every Sunday because this test will measure if we study hard. My favorite activity was going to SM for shopping because I had Philippines things and I saw new things made in Philippines. It was very interesting I think It’s a very good this decision to join this camp because I learned something and It’s a good place for vacation.


            나는 인천국제공항에서 아시아나 항공기를 타고 이곳 필리핀 세부에 있는 CIA 캠프에 도착했다. 부모님의 제안에 갑자기 오게 캠프이지만 이곳 캠프에 빨리 적응한것 같다. 그래서 기쁘다. 내가 처음엔 정말 피곤하고 힘들었었다. 하지만 일주일 정도가 지나니 이곳 생활에 적응해 가고 있었다. 그리고 나는 이곳에서 생활하면서 즐거웠다. 이곳에 오기전 한국에서는 솔직히 말해서 이곳 캠프에 놀러 간다는 생각을 하고 왔었다. 하지만 이곳 캠프의 스케줄을 보니 정말 힘들다는 것을 알았다. 결국 공부를 열심히 하기로 마음 먹었다 기쁘게 생활하기로 했다. 그리고 많은 활동들을 했는데  일요일과 토요일에 나는 SM. Plantation Bay. 바다. 고아원등 다녔다. <span lang="KO" style="font-size:12.0pt;line-height:115%;mso-fare


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