Logger Script 18th CIA Junior Camp 6105 최현준 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Junior Camp 6105 최현준

작성자: CIA Camp님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,499회    댓글: 0




Actually I didn’t want to come here for study but I come because of my parent’s enforcement

At first time. when I arrived. I could not adapt well and I could not make friends well also. so

I felt 6weeks are very long and vague I felt lonely and I didn’t have a conviction about camp life.

but. during I join in class. and go out to outdoor activity. I could make friends naturally.

then 6 weeks go very fast. Pilipino teachers are all kind and fun. and Korean staff teachers always take care us well

like sister and brother. I’m always waiting for weekend because of various activities.

In this camp I learn many thing aside English How to do a group life. family’s importance and

even I go back to Korea I can’t forget this valuable memories.


6105 최현준 연수후기

CIA 영어캠프

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하지만 수업을 하고 많은 야외활동과 액티비티를 하면서 자연히 친구도 사귀게 되고

캠프 생활이 즐거워지기 시작했다. 그러다 보니 벌써 시간이 이렇게 훌쩍 지나가 버렸다.

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