Logger Script 18th CIA Junior Camp 6072 황서영 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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18th CIA Junior Camp 6072 황서영

작성자: CIA Camp님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,467회    댓글: 0

6072 Ally


CIA English Camp

                I want to have fun. I went here in Cebu because I want to learn English. I looked at the internet about CIA camp and I told my mom I want to come here. I had a great time here in CIA camp and it was fun. Before I came here in the camp. I feel nervous and I have difficulty in learning English. Now I am here in the camp. it was fun and exciting. I met many new friends. I also learned English which is more fun than Korea. There are good teachers here and they are nice. Every Saturday. we had activities like going to Plantation Bay and ate delicious foods. shop at SM mall. rode Edge Coaster. shared foods and we went to Casa Miani. We also saw animals at the small zoo called Crocolandia Farm. We saw crocodiles and I touched the snake there. We also rode Jet Ski and banana boat. Jet Ski was very exciting and banana boat was fun. Here in the camp. I met Jini. Mini. Lucy. Coco. Julia. Aiden. Kevin. Eric. Danny. Matthew. Amy. Emma. Sally 1. Sally 2. Sally3 and Sally 4. I learned English and Math in the camp. I think my English language has improved. Aside from English. I also learned Math with the Korean Staff. So this camp is really good and I want to come back one more time.

CIA 영어캠프

나는 세부에왔다  왜냐하면 나는 영어를 여기서 배우고 싶었기 때문이다.엄마께서 처음에 인터넷에서 CIA 영어캠프를 찿으셨다 나도 재미있을것 같아 한다고 말씀 드렸다 여기서 정말 좋은시간을 보낸것같다 재미도 있었다 처음 여기에 오기전에  비행기에선 조금 엄마와 가족들과 멀리 떨어져 혼자 가는 것이 두려웠다 그리고 영어공부를 많이 해서 힘이들것 같았다 하지만 지금은 이곳 생활이 재미있고 신이 났다 그리고 새로운 많은 친구들을 사귀었다 그리고난 영어릉 한국에서보다 훨씬재미있게 배웠다 선생님들도 재미있고나에게 모두 대해 주신다 매주 토요일날 우리는 액티비티를 한다 나는 플랜테이션 배이에 가서 수영도 하고 맛있는 음식들도 먹고 쇼핑도 마트에서 했다


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